
Noninvasive Assessment of Left Ventricle Filling Pattern
in Patient with Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation, Pulmonary
Regurgitation, Atrial Septal Defect, and Pulmonary Embolism

Ghazal, Sami; Alaqaili, Mohammed; Alqrinawi, Shurouq H.; Albahar, Zahra; Ouf, Shady G. Journal of Cardiovascular Echography 34(3):p 120-124, Jul–Sep 2024.
Available at:

A Case of Submitral Aneurysm Presenting with Severe Mitral Regurgitation and Shock in an African Male Patient with Rheumatic Heart Disease

Amjad Barnawi, Abdullah Al Otaibi, Ahmed Soliman, Mustafa Al Rifae, Abdelaziz Al Baradie, Sami Ghazal, CASE, 2021, ISSN 2468-6441,
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The Echocardiography Society of Saudi Heart Association Recommendation on Quality and Laboratory Accreditation Guideline and Standards

Kinsara, Abdulhalim Jamal; Ghazal, Sami; Omran, Ahmad S.; and Aleid, Esra . Journal of the Saudi Heart Association: Vol. 32 : Iss. 2 , Article 25.
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Saudi Arabian Society of Echocardiography Recommendations for Echocardiography Service During Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak.

Sami Ghazal, Fatima Qaddoura, Abdulhalim Kinsara Kinsara, Ahmed Omran, Merna Atiyah, Mustafa Al Refae, Faisal Dalak, Saeed Al Ahmari, Abdullah Al Sehly, Noureldin Sahal, Ahmed Onazi, and Rima Bader. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association , Volume 32 , Issue 5,

Tidal peritoneal dialysis versus ultrafiltration in type 1 cardiorenal syndrome: A prospective randomized study

Abdullah K Al-Hwiesh, Ibrahiem Saeed Abdul-Rahman, Nadia Al-Audah, Amani Al-Hwiesh, Mousa Al-Harbi, Abdulrahman Taha, Abdulla Al-Shahri, Sami Ghazal, Rawan Amir, Nehad Al-Audah, Hany Mansour, Mohammad El-Mansouri, Tamer S El-Salamony, Mohammed A Nasr El-Din, Abdulsalam Noor, Zainab Al-Elq, Zainab H Alzahir, Noor A Alzawad.  The International Journal of Artificial Organs

Appropriateness of dabigatran dosing in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF): A retrospective study conducted in a tertiary care university hospital in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia

Nasser Alali, Mahmoud Hassan Mahmoud, Mousa Ayesh Alharbi, Sami Nimer Ghazal.
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Reverse atrial remodeling and resolution of mitral regurgitation after rhythm control in atrial fibrillation: A case report.

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Prospective Study of Tricuspid Regurgitation Associated with Permanent Leads after Cardiac Rhythm Device Implantation

Caroline M. Van De Heyning, MD, PhD, Esam Elbarasi, MD, Simona Masiero, MD, Michela Brambatti, MD, Sami Ghazal, MD, Said Al-Maashani, MD, Alessandro Capucci, MD, Darryl Leong, MD, PhD, Bharati Shivalkar, MD, PhD, Johan B. Saenen, MD, PhD, Hielko P. Miljoen, MD, Carlos A. Morillo, MD, Syamkumar Divarakarmenon, MD, MSc, Guy Amit, MD, Sebastian Ribas, MD, Erika Baiocco, MD, Alessandro Maolo, MD, Andrea Romandini, MD, Simone Maffei, MD, Stuart J. Connolly, MD, Jeff S. Healey, MD, MSc, Hisham Dokainish, MD


Mitral Chordae Rupture as a Possible First-Time Presentation for Graves’ Disease

Sami N. Ghazal, Mohammad K. Alarfaj

Alcohol Septal Ablation after Suboptimal Surgical Septal Myomectomy

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Significant left ventricular outflow tract obstruction secondary to systolic anterior motion in a patient without hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: An echocardiographic study

Hanan Alrammah, Sami Ghazal
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Chronic severe mitral regurgitation with normal left ventricular size – A case with coexisting atrial septal defect.

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A Large Left Ventricular Cystic Thrombus: Unusual Presentation of a Common Entity

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Valsalva maneuver in echocardiography

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Correlation between Pre-Systolic Forward Flow and Diastolic Function

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Inferior vena cava stenosis, echocardiographic diagnosis in Marfan syndrome

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Factors Associated with Low Flow in Aortic Valve Stenosis

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Prospective study of tricuspid valve regurgitation associated with permanent leads in patients undergoing cardiac rhythm device implantation: Background, rationale, and design

Hisham Dokainish, Esam Elbarasi, Simona Masiero, Caroline Van de Heyning, Michela Brambatti, Sami Ghazal, Said AL-Maashani, Alessandro Capucci, Lisanne Buikema, Darryl Leong, Bharati Shivalkar, Johan Saenen, Hielko Miljoen, Carlos Morillo, Syam Divarakarmenon, Guy Amit, Sebastian Ribas, Aaron, Brautigam, Erika Baiocco, Alessandro Maolo, Andrea Romandini, Simone Maffei, Stuart Connolly, Jeff Healey
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After more than 300 defibrillation shocks, patient still alive 12 years later, Refractory Torsade de Pointes due to polypharmacy and persistent vomiting- Case Report

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